It’s that time of year again — time to look ahead to what will (hopefully) be a fresh start in 2021. During a rough and tumble year for the entire planet (thanks, coronavirus), there were really just a few bright spots. One of those was the ability of MMA, and the UFC in particular, to put on quality shows in an otherwise down year for sports.
As 2021 gets underway, here’s a look at some of the top heavyweight talents the UFC should look at signing.
First off, a look at last year’s list, featuring current UFC roster member Ante Delija signing with the UFC in 2020 (Mohammed Usman wound up signing with the PFL):
Ante Delija
Renan Ferreira
Andre Miranda
Aleksandr Maslov
Anton Vyzaigin
Evgeny Goncharov
Hugo Cunha
Martin Buday
Mohammed Usman
Rizvan Kuniev
Now on to the 10 heavyweight prospects we feel are ready for a shot at the big show this year. Including a couple of returning names from 2020.