Brendan Allen All Business As He Hunts Imavov’s Ranking

Paris – UFC middleweight Brendan Allen may have given Nassourdine Imavov some added motivation leading into their fight at UFC Paris this Saturday, but the #8 ranked fighter could not care less.

Allen has said in interviews that he wants to see Imavov’s reaction when he sees his own blood. It may have given Imavov a chip on his shoulder heading into the fight.

“I didn’t even know that about him to be honest. People have been saying that this week,” Allen told reporters on Wednesday.

“He can take anything that I say however he wants to take it. I feel I always speak my opinion which I have the right to and factual things based off of his fights. Obviously evidence of the facts that I’m giving. I really don’t care.”

Allen (24-5) is on a mission to continue rising up the middleweight rankings. He currently sits at #8 and facing the #4 Imavov is a massive opportunity in a division that just had their champion defend their title for the first time.

“For me it’s nothing personal it’s just business. I just want his number. So yeah take it however you want,” he said.

“I don’t have any thoughts to play mental warfare with him or anything like that. I just want to go get the job done Saturday night.”

Watch the entire media day scrum with Brendan Allen above. He takes on Nassourdine Imavov at UFC Paris on Saturday.