UFC Louisville: Ricky Turcios Says Rosas Match-Up “Biggest Fight” Outside Top 15

After their original booking at UFC Mexico City in February fell through at the eleventh hour, Ricky Turcios says he’s living in the moment ahead of their new date with Raul Rosas Jr at UFC Louisville this Saturday.

Not only did the Mexico City date fall through, but an announced booking the following week also ended up scratched, after Rosas fell ill. Despite all that uncertainty, however, Turcios (12-3) believes he and Rosas will throw down in Louisville, Kentucky.

“For sure, this Saturday, I believe that we’re going to fight this Saturday. We’re going to settle it this weekend inside the octagon,” Turcios said during this week’s UFC Louisville media day. “God willing, I’m leaving with the victory.”

Having a fight fall through the day of, and the next date quickly being wiped of the board as well, has to be taxing for any fighter. But Ricky Turcios appears to have taken it all in stride.

“My mental state going into this one was very strong. It literally just, I live this lifestyle, I live the martial arts lifestyle. I’m always training, and I’m always in the gym. Not just the physical training too but the mental training. The spiritual training, the meditation,” he stated, going on to add then when it comes to the last dates, “it didn’t happen, and that’s how it happened. It was all good. I literally just hit my reset button, continued the work, continued the process, stayed disciplined on my regimen. Stayed disciplined on my nutrition, stayed disciplined on my emotions and how I was feeling.”

“I’m grateful though that now we’re really going to fight here at UFC Louisville on Saturday. This is one of the biggest fights outside of the top 15, if not the biggest fight outside of the top 15 that we could organize right now.”

Entering that big fight, Turcios has a finish in mind, though he’s ready for anything, and willing to win by any means necessary.

“As I enter in the octagon I have one objective and one objective only, and that is to win by any means necessary. By knockout, submission, or frick it, if he’s super-tough, we’ll go to war then and we’ll go all the way to win a decision. But to win by any means necessary, this is my objective.”

Watch the full UFC Louisville media day appearance by Ricky Turcios above.