Road to UFC 3: Episode 3 Breakdown and Predictions

Flyweight, Jiniushiyue Vs. Dong Hoon Choi

Tale of the Tape

Shanghai, China
Combined opponent’s record: 42-35
Dong Hoon Choi
Seoul, South Korea
Combined opponent’s record: 23-16-4

Pros and Cons



  • Good defensive wrestling
  • Heavy top position
  • Heavy ground and pound
  • Solid wrestling
  • Fast hands
  • Good chain-wrestling
  • Scrambles well


  • Chin straight up
  • Repetitive with his hands

Dong Hoon Choi


  • Uses a lot of feints
  • Counter strikes well
  • Goon in the clinch
  • Active jab
  • Improved kickboxing
  • Throws in twos


  • Doesn’t like pressure
  • Vulnerable in exchanges
  • Too patient
  • Sloppy in extended combinations
  • Suspect cardio
  • One-dimensional

Prediction: Jiniushiyue fought last season and lost in the finals to a stud in Rei Tsuruya. I’m glad to see him back because he has some promise.

Choi is the undefeated fighter but he leaves a lot to be desired. He has the skill to be very good but lacks the ability to put it together. I’d like to see him open up more but a big reason why he doesn’t is because his gas tank drains. Another reason is he’s too sloppy and vulnerable when pressing the pace.

Jiniushiyue isn’t much of a striker as he’s limited and throws just about the same one-two every time. He does at least have fast hands and I think that will allow him to escape in counters. I bet Jiniushiyue is going to come out looking to wrestle. Choi has no interest in that so it’s going to be tough for him. Choi hasn’t fought anyone like Jiniushiyue with the heavy wrestling ability. Nobody knows what his ground game looks like but him just avoiding at all costs may be a sign.

I feel good about Jiniushiyue because he’s better in his primary area than Choi is.