TTP Ep. 267 with John Makdessi, Hunter Azure, and Next Countries to Get a UFC Champ

Hunter Azure and John Makdessi, UFC
Hunter Azure and John Makdessi Credit: Jay Anderson/Cageside Press

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John Makdessi Interview (2:39)

One of the longest tenured UFC fighters in the land kicks off this episode of Top Turtle MMA. John Makdessi joins the show to discuss his longevity in the sport, having made his UFC debut back at UFC 124. He also discusses facing young up and comers prior to his bout with Ignacio Bahamondes – including a discussion about how more and more youngsters are having MMA as their first discipline and what that looks like to someone who has fought as long as him. Plus, he delves into his change of camp and so much more.

Combat Countdown: Next Countries to Get a UFC Champ (17:52)

A few years ago, Gumby and Shockwave broke down the countries that were more likely to get their first champ. Since then, we’ve seen Nigeria, Cameroon, and Russia all join the fold. So it seems about time to try that exercise again. 3 years from now, who are we most likely going to look back and see with a champ from their homeland? Well, let the guys give you their top 5 list (with an honorable mention or two) and see if you agree. Of course, if they missed a big one, be sure to give them hell for it on Twitter.

Hunter Azure Interview (36:51)

Finally, to end the show, Hunter Azure pops by to talk about his fight at UFC on ABC with Jack Shore. He talks about being tasked  with a highly touted prospect and why the UFC may have given him such a chance. Plus, he talks about getting back to his roots of wrestling. In his last fight, he scored more takedowns than the rest of his UFC career combined. He shares about the focus and training that went into those changes and whether or not we can expect more of the same against Shore.