TTP Ep. 260 with Jimmie Rivera, Gabe Green and UFC 258

Jimmie Rivera and Gabriel Green, UFC

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Jimmie Rivera Interview (2:47)

DISCLAIMER: This interview was recorded just before the Rivera and Pedro Munhoz fight had been delayed for the second time.

While the interview contains some material about the fight – which is said to be rescheduled for some time in the near future, the real gem is Rivera talking about his future. The longtime bantamweight top 10’er discusses where his future lies in a division where he has lost to both the champ and the person he is defending against next. He hints that there is a strong possibility that you see him outside of that division in the near future, and what that might look like as well as why he is considering it.

Fights, Dogs, and Parlays: UFC 258 (19:59)

As always, Gumby and Shockwave bring the breakdown goods. They start by giving you a blow-by-blow of what it would take for Gilbert Burns to secure an upset. Then they discuss whether or not either of them are buying on the underdog. In addition to breaking that fight down, they also take a close look at Grasso/Barber and Heinisch/Gastelum. After that, the two share their pick for the best underdog to look at on the card – hint: it isn’t Burns – and put together a parlay to make your wallet fat this weekend.

Gabe Green Interview (40:18)

Gumby rounds out the show by chatting with Gabe Green. They discuss not only his debut loss to Derek Rodriguez, but also the circumstances that led him to the UFC. He shares the stories of telling the UFC ‘no’ two separate times and why he knew he had to say ‘yes’ on the third one. They also discuss Green growing up as the least athletic member of his family and how surprising it is that he’s a professional athlete now.