TTP Ep. 258 with Anthony Pettis, Lucas Clay, JJ Okanovich and More

Anthony Pettis and JJ Okanovich, UFC and DWCS
Anthony Pettis/JJ Okanovich Credit: Gabriel Gonzalez/Rodney James Edgar, Cageside Press

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Anthony Pettis Interview (2:48)

The champ is here! Former UFC and WEC lightweight champion, and current PFL superstar Anthony Pettis joins Gumby to chat about his move to PFL. He talks about why the move was so fast and what he liked most about their pitch. Plus, he opens the door to a second season at possibly a different weight class. He also discusses the format of PFL and being on ESPN regularly.

Combat Countdown: Top 5 PFL Wishlist (24:51)

The PFL season is right around the corner. After taking a year off in 2020 and signing some huge talent in that time, there are so many fun fights on the table. Gumby and Shockwave count down the five fights they would like to see the most across the entire PFL roster and let us know why those fights. Be sure to let the guys know if they left one off that needs to happen, as they for sure left some bangers on the board.

Lucas Clay Interview (32:06)

You might know him as that guy who hit the buggy choke (twice), but Lucas Clay has more up his sleeve than that. The distant cousin of legendary boxer, Muhammad Ali, this Clay is all about the subs. He talks about how he fell in love with the submission game and how he’s going to surprise his opponent this Friday at LFA 98 and get that UFC contract.

JJ Okanovich Interview (44:40)

Gumby just so happened to also chat with the man who will be standing across from the cage as Clay, JJ Okanovich. Okanovich discussed being on the Contender Series and winning, but not getting his name called. Then he dished on why he thinks he’s ready for the callup and why he’s not afraid of that aforementioned buggy choke.