In a move even the greenest of public defenders would tell you is a bad idea, UFC featherweight Zubaira Tukhugov has posted video online bragging about assaulting Conor McGregor at UFC 229.
There’s bad decisions, and then there’s admitting to an act carrying potential criminal charges on video. And posting it online. That’s exactly the dubious decision UFC featherweight Zubaira Tukhugov made Sunday, a day after taking part in an assault on UFC star Conor McGregor at UFC 229. It was an added wrinkle in the blame game currently flooding through the MMA community, especially given Tukhugov seemingly confirms McGregor’s lack of involvement in the altercation.
“I slapped him as promised,” said Tukhugov on the video posted to Instagram (via Bloody Elbow). “I promised to make him answer for his words and I did.” Then, in an even more bizarre choice, he confirmed McGregor had not hit him, as some had claimed following the incident. “Tell everyone who thinks I was hit, where? Where, nothing. Just this cop pushed me away, on the video, as if I was hit.”
Got it. Bragging about a sucker punch then confirming your victim didn’t swing first probably isn’t the smartest idea. The featherweight is scheduled to fight McGregor’s teammate Artem Lobov at UFC Moncton on October 27. However, given his involvement in Saturday’s incident at UFC 229, it’s expected he will be pulled from the card, if not cut from the promotion entirely. White indicated following the insanity on Saturday those who attacked McGregor would not return for future UFC events. It’s not entirely clear if Tukhugov in particular was included when that statement was made, but it seems likely.
Tukhugov (18–4) has not fought since 2016, when he lost to Renato Moicano. The Russian of Chechan ancestory failed an out-of-competition drug test under USADA in October of that year, earning himself a two-year ban from competition. He may have very well earned himself a permanent ban from the UFC this time.