Bellator X RIZIN 2 Announced with Inaugural Flyweight Title Fight, A.J. McKee vs. Patricky...
The second full-fledged cross-promoted show between Bellator MMA and RIZIN Fighting Federation has been announced. Set to take place at the Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan on July 30, 2023, Bellator X RIZIN 2 will see a slight change...
RIZIN 43 Announced for Sapporo, Featuring Featherweight Title Fight
RIZIN 43 has been officially announced for Sapporo, Hokkaido on Saturday, June 24, 2023. Taking place at the Makomanai Sekisui Heim Ice Arena in Sapporo, the event is set to feature a featherweight title fight as its main event, with...
RIZIN 42 Full Card Includes John Dodson, Spike Carlyle, Kai Asakura
May's RIZIN 42 card has been announced in its entirety, and some familiar names will be taking part. Among the standouts in action, Kai Asakura (19-4) returns for the first time since December 2021. The former bantamweight champion will seek...
Bellator’s Juan Archuleta Faces UFC Vet Naoki Inoue at RIZIN 42
Former Bellator MMA bantamweight champion Juan Archuleta has been granted leave to hunt for a title in Japanese promotion RIZIN. Archuleta will face UFC and RIZIN veteran Naoki Inoue at RIZIN 42 on May 6, 2023, promotion officials announced Monday. "The...
RIZIN 41 Sees Multiple Fights Announced, Including Return of UFC Vet Horie
April 1's RIZIN 41 will mark the first card of the year for the Japanese fight promotion, with the organization touching down in Osaka for the event. On Wednesday, multiple bouts for the show were announced, by both promotion officials...
Manny Pacquiao Announces Fight Under RIZIN FF Banner in 2023
Saturday's RIZIN 40 was quite the spectacle, with a host of electrifying finishes leading up to the Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN cross-over card at the Saitama Super Arena on New Year's Eve. Perhaps the biggest shock, however, was the sight...
Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN: Hiromasa Ougikubo Feels Horiguchi Has Changed One Thing In Particular...
Japan's Hiromasa Ougikubo (25-6-2) has a rare opportunity in front of him at Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN. Down 0-2 in his career series against Kyoji Horiguchi, the RIZIN bantamweight grand prix winner gets a third crack at his rival on...
Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN: Roberto de Souza Game for Second Cross-Promotion Fight — In...
Roberto de Souza, RIZIN's reigning lightweight champion, caps off the Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN card on New Year's Eve by taking on former Bellator featherweight champ A.J. McKee. The fight features two of the best athletes in either company, and...
Juan Archuleta Says Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN Fighters Were “Hand-Selected by the Emperor”
Bellator bantamweight Juan Archuleta sees Saturday's Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN event as something special. "The Spaniard," a former champion in the promotion, spoke in poetic terms of the warrior spirit that is driving him as he prepares to take on...
Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN / RIZIN 40 Weigh-In Results
One last major event in the mixed martial arts calendar year remains, with Bellator MMA vs. RIZIN representing a true cross-promotion between Japan's RIZIN Fighting Federation and the Viacom-backed Bellator. More than just a handful of fun throw-away fights, Bellator...