Nora Cornolle Planning For Second Round Finish

Paris – UFC bantamweight Nora Cornolle had a solid prediction for her fight with Jacqueline Cavalcanti at UFC Paris on Saturday.

“My prediction. It’s going to be like a huge war, but if I’m in the state that I am since a few days now…I don’t really recognize myself. I’m even more focused. I have that kind of animal feeling,” Cornolle told reporters on Wednesday.

“Because of some stuff I saw because of the socials of course. If I can apply the strategy well it won’t last after the second round.”

Cornolle (8-1) was originally scheduled to face Germaine de Randamie at UFC Paris, but a foot injury took the former UFC featherweight champion out of the fight. Cavalcanti stepped in to replace de Randamie.

“When we train we are preparing for the opponent we are given, but at the same time I’m preparing for the whole (division) you know. I have one goal it’s to go to the belt,” she said.

Cornolle said that both de Randamie and Cavalcanti are similar, but different at the same time. While both are opponents have similar reach, and both are strikers, their styles are still different.

“In terms of fighting they’re not really the same even though they are coming from striking,” said Cornolle.

“I kind of had to adapt in two weeks, but it’s going to be enough.”

Watch the entire media day scrum with Nora Cornolle above. Cornolle faces Jacqueline Cavalcanti at UFC Paris on Saturday.