Road to UFC 3: Episode 6 Breakdown and Predictions

Featherweight, Haraguchi Shin (8-1) vs. Kangjie Zhu (19-4)

Haraguchi Shin


  • Excellent wrestling
  • Strong top position
  • Quick hands
  • Good chain-wrestling
  • Scrambles well
  • Excellent ground and pound
  • Fast starter
  • Excellent ground control


  • Struggles at range

Kangjie Zhu


  • Strong kickboxing
  • Super explosive
  • Fast
  • Good cardio
  • Nasty elbows
  • Knockout power
  • Durable
  • Dangerous front kick
  • Good right hand


  • Loads up
  • TDD needs work
  • Telegraphs his punches
  • Poor grappling defense

Prediction: This is the typical striker vs wrestler match-up. Shin is probably going to shoot in the opening seconds and stay with the game plan. The more I watch of Shin I just think he’s a wrestler with no other layers to his game.

Zhu does have some poor takedown defense but it’s improved over time. He also struggles off his back but Shin doesn’t really have any grappling upside. Zhu is a better striker than Shin is a wrestler. As long as it stays on the feet Shin is in trouble. Zhu is going to be faster, stronger, and more athletic. If his takedown defense holds up just a little bit I think he’s a terrible match-up for Shin. Shin has the style to beat the Zhu from a few years ago but I think he’s improved. I’ve got Zhu but decision.