PFL Nashville’s Dakota Ditcheva “Not Really Bothered About Being the Face of Anything”

Dakota Ditcheva has been called the face of the PFL’s women’s division by many, the heir apparent to Kayla Harrison now that the latter has signed on with rival UFC.

Ditcheva, who returns to action at PFL Nashville this Friday against Jena Bishop, isn’t all that concerned with being the face of anything, however.

Appearing to bristle at a question that suggested the winner of her fight with Bishop would become the “female face” of the PFL, and not just someone who was “easily marketable,” Ditcheva appeared to agree, then stopped herself and replied by saying “I’m not really bothered about being the face of anything, to be honest. I’m going to keep turning up, any opportunities I get to fight I’m going to show up on the night, which is what I always do. Yes, continue to be a professional face on the camera, and really build myself. That’s it.”

Later, Ditcheva expanded on her desire to find a finish and make a statement in the fight, speaking with Cageside Press. It’s about more than silencing critics who question her ground game, critics Ditcheva doesn’t believe will be silenced regardless.

“I need a finish. I think I want to make a statement every fight. I always go in prepared for a three round fight, but I always know in the back of my mind, you have to make a statement to get anywhere,” she stated. “So definitely I think that will be what I’m trying to do every time. And I think it still won’t shut everyone up, for sure. And I’m not doing it for that, I’m doing it for myself.”

“Whether people support me or hate me, I’m still going to get the million win, I’m still going to go home with the belt. So you know that doesn’t really matter to me. What does matter to me, myself, is that fact that I put on a performance and make a statement, but for myself.”

Watch the full PFL Nashville media day appearance by Dakota Ditcheva above.