Andre Fili Says Offer to Fight Cub Swanson at UFC 303 Was An “Immediate Yes”

Las Vegas — Andre Fili is coming off a disappointing loss as he heads into UFC 303, but has learned not to allow the setbacks to define him.

Speaking with media outlets including Cageside Press during this week’s UFC 303 media day in Las Vegas, Fili (23-11, 1NC) explained that “I think the point I’m at with my career and my life now, you don’t get as high with the highs and as low with the lows anymore. You realize that, as cliché as it sounds, the journey is as important as the destination.”

“The goal is still important. I want to win every fight, I want to make all the money, I want to be a household name, I want to be the biggest star I can be. I want to take over the whole world— that’s why we do this. But also, there’s something to be said for staying positive, and remembering how great your life is regardless of the outcome of the last fight.”

Fili’s last fight saw him knocked out at the hands of Dan Ige, a violent finish and definitely not the result “Touchy” Fili was looking for. Still, there’s another way of looking at things, as Fili pointed out.

“I’m surrounded by people who love me, I’ve got a beautiful home, I’ve got a better life than I probably could have dreamed of as a kid. That’s got to count for something,” he continued. “Yeah, the last fight didn’t go the way I wanted. The good thing is, in MMA, people have very short memories. So when I win my fight Saturday, that’s all people will think about when they talk about me.”

Now, it’s on to a match-up with Hall of Famer Cub Swanson, a fight that immediately got fans excited. And it sounds like Andre Fili was immediately excited as well, given his response when he got the call.

“Immediate yes. I didn’t ask my coaches, I didn’t talk to anybody. I got a text that said ‘do you want to fight Cub Swanson on June 29?’ I said ‘yes I do.’ Instantly texted back, because Cub is a legend, and he’s got a big name in this sport, and I think our styles make an exciting fight. And I can’t wait to show everybody.”

Watch the full UFC 303 media day appearance by Andre Fili above.