Asu Almabayev Looking For Top 10 Fight After Saturday

UFC APEX – UFC flyweight Asu Almabayev models his fight style after a UFC hall of famer and an MMA legend as he gets set to take on Jose Johnson at UFC Vegas 93 on Saturday night.

“My strongest (skill) set is wrestling. I think I’m fighting like Georges St. Pierre,” Alamabayev told reporters through a translator on Thursday.

“Or Arman Tsarukyan.”

Almabayev (19-2) faces Johnson at UFC Vegas 93. Johnson makes his return to action for the first time since last November.

“He’s a good fighter. He has good striking, good wrestling, but I’m already long in this sport. All the time I have strategy for every fighter who I fight with,” he said.

With a win at UFC Vegas 93 Almabayev looks to call out someone in the top 10 in hopes to thrust himself into a title shot sooner than later.

“It depends on the result of the fight, but it doesn’t matter. I will call anyone,” said Almabayev.

“I believe in my abilities, but after the fight I hope I will call someone from top 10.”

When asked if he had a name ready to go Almabayev smiled.

“After the fight,” he said.

Watch the entire media day scrum with Asu Almabayev above. He takes on Jose Johnson at UFC Vegas 93 on Saturday night.