Chelsea Hackett Looking to be “As Brutal and Fast” As She Can At PFL 4

Uncasville, CT — PFL 4 finds Australian Chelsea Hackett in the co-main event on Thursday, paired up with the league’s latest promotional darling, Dakota Ditcheva.

Speaking to Cageside Press ahead of the fight, the Contender Series vet told us that “it’s just another fight for me, to be honest. If anything I’m more excited, more hungry to get the win.”

“Props to her. She’s undefeated, she’s stopped 90% of her opponents. People can say what they want, but she’s backed it up until now.”

Hackett, who is 4-2-1 in MMA but has more combat experience than that record shows thanks to her Muay Thai career, knows that she’s the underdog in the fight. And she’s actually happy to be in that role again.

“I think I’m just, this is like my 31st fight in total. I’ve done this so many times, I’ve been in this position so many times,” she stated. “And that’s the thing, I know people, I’m a massive underdog and people expect me to lose, but it’s these positions I like to be in. I haven’t been the underdog in a a long time, and I really do thrive in that spot.”

“I don’t know what it is, it just makes me dig deeper, it makes me want it more,” Hackett exclaimed.

That said, Chelsea Hackett added that it’s simply a job to her. “It’s just a job. This is my job, I’m here to do it successfully and get that win, and just stay professional.”

Hackett was signed by the PFL last year, coming off three years of inactivity thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and a lack of competition in her native Australia. As to what the fans can expect in her third fight with the promotion, where the 25-year old is 1-1, “for this fight, you seriously will expect an old Chesea coming to the cage. Just trying to get the job done as brutal and as fast as she can.”

Watch our full interview with PFL 4’s Chelsea Hackett above.