Patchy Mix Says He Granted Magomedov Rematch, Not Against More Rematches

Paris – Bellator bantamweight champion Patchy Mix says he’s granting Magomed Magomedov a rematch this Friday night at Bellator Paris, but it’s not necessarily earned.

“I feel like I finished him last time, and I’m granting him this rematch,” Mix told reporters including Cageside Press on a media call on Tuesday.

“I fought more fights than him. He only fought I think the eighth ranked guy to get back to me. So I’m granting him this rematch. I’m going to finish him and then I’m going to move on to bigger names and the next best guys in the division.”

Mix (19-1) may have to go round robin with the rest of the 135ers with there being slim pickings at the top in Bellator/PFL.

“If that entails me rematching the other guys it doesn’t matter. I fought everyone in the top five so I’ll fight them all again if I have to,” he said.

With the top of the Bellator bantamweight division being mostly rematches Mix did offer a couple of options following his fight with Magomedov this Friday night.

“I flattened Raufeon Stots in a minute for a million dollars last year. I knocked him out cold. I think he thinks I caught him. Granted this goes well here, which it will, I go out there and put Magomed Magomedov away I’m either looking at a rematch with Stots or even Leandro Higo’s around,” said Mix.

“I haven’t fought him. He’s ranked in the top five or six right now. One of those names really excite me. And Stots really excites me as well. He thinks like I said I caught him so I’d really like to close the book on that chapter as well.”

Watch the entire media day scrum with Patchy Mix above. He headlines Bellator Paris against Magomed Magomedov on Friday night.