UFC St. Louis Lightweight Mateusz Rebecki: “I’m A Guy Who Does Everything”

“I want to be in top 15, and this fight could make me this,” Mateusz Rebecki said during this week’s UFC St. Louis media day.

Poland’s Rebecki (19-1) is looking at another tough test in front of him at the Fight Night event set for the Enterprise Center in St. Louis, Missouri. He’s paired up with Brazilian Carlos Diego Ferreira, who has shared the octagon with a number of big names.

That’s not lost on Rebecki, who descried Ferreira as “a really good fighter. I’m happy to fight with him, because he fought with [Dustin] Poirier and many stars in UFC. I can fight with this guy, and I feel I could beat him.”

How will he beat Ferreira? Well, that’s somewhat up in the air. “I don’t know. I’m a guy who does everything,” said Rebecki. “I feel on the ground really good, I have good wrestling, also good striking. This opponent is difficult, his style, because he also does everything. We’ll try [to see] who the better fighter is, on the ground, through wrestling or striking. Maybe we’re looking for some hole to find out.”

Finally getting to fight a big name in the UFC, meanwhile, had Rebecki beaming. “It’s an amazing feeling. It was my big dream, fight with a top guy. I never though I can do that, and on Saturday it will happen.”

Mateusz Rebecki also addressed the legendary “Polish Power” during Wednesday’s media day, asked if he possessed it.

“I think I have that, because many people at American Top Team talk to me about Polish Power. Maybe it’s true,” said Rebecki, saying he’s had good performances showing as much. “We have good mettle in Poland.”

Watch the full UFC St. Louis media day appearance by Mateusz Rebecki above.