UFC Vegas 70: Ode’ Osbourne Fought With One Eye, Wants Schnell Fight

Las Vegas, NV – UFC flyweight Ode’ Osbourne made his way back into the winner’s column when he earned a split-decision victory over Charles Johnson at UFC Vegas 70 on Saturday night.

“Oh man it feels good. Scratched my cornea a little bit so forgive me if I’m wiping my eyes the whole time, but it feels good. Specially after my last fight I took that last fight with Tyson Nam on two weeks notice. You know I took a lot of heat from people online. Dude that was two-weeks notice calm down,” Osbourne told reporters including Cageside Press at his post-fight scrum.

“So I really wanted to show I could fight all three rounds.”

The fight came with it’s own challenges including an unfortunate low blow that Osbourne took.

“After that nut shot I was saying, you know, that really cramped my stomach up throughout the fight, but like I said Dewey Cooper always is like it’s not about how you feel it’s what you do. Trying to remember that it’s not about how I feel, forget about how I feel, it’s what I’m going to do in this fight,” he said.

“I’m going to push through this feeling and I’m just going to dig deep. And that’s what I did.”

The eye scratch was something most weren’t very aware of, but he was definitely showing some damage during his scrum.

“I was fighting with one eye the whole time. I think his finger or his glove, I don’t know what it was, kind of scratched my eye, but I didn’t want to stop it. I didn’t want to wave or anything like that because I wanted to keep the momentum going, keep on digging, because sometimes when you stop the momentum it can give them some rest,” said Osbourne.

“I didn’t want him to rest. I wanted to keep pushing.”

Osbourne employed a very kick-heavy attack against Johnson and he explained that he wanted to do some real damage to his opponent with the kicks.

“To be honest with you I was trying to break his legs the whole fight because I know, me and Dewey been working those body kicks, leg kicks, I know he doesn’t check any kicks. My whole mentality going in was breaking his legs. I was trying to break his legs,” he said.

“I knew when he started talking to me I was like yeah I’m getting close. I’m getting closer and closer. So I know he’s going to be waking up feeling that tomorrow morning for sure because my kicks are no joke.”

Now that the victory has been earned the next move for Osbourne the next move was a trip to the ER, but after that? More violence.

“Once I get my eye situation figured out we’ll plan it out and I’ll talk to my managers and my coaches, but there is a guy that I would love to fight because I think he’s a very exciting fight. I think we would put on a show, a banger,” said Osbourne.

“That’s Matt Schnell. I think we put on a great performance because he comes to fight, I come to fight, and that’s the game. People want to see entertaining fights and I think we would be an entertaining fight.”

Watch the entire post-fight scrum with Ode’ Osbourne above.