Police in Shreveport have confirmed to Cageside Press that a warrant will be forthcoming for Donny Aaron, husband of UFC star Andrea Lee, over a domestic violence incident that occurred the night of UFC 227.
As first reported by MyMMANews, UFC flyweight star Angela Lee, or simply KGB Lee, was involved in a domestic violence incident earlier this month involving her husband and coach Donny Aaron. While the allegations have yet to be proven, it’s a serious incident and another black eye for Aaron, who did years in prison following a conviction for negligent homicide, and who was recently embroiled in a controversy over white power tattoos he sports, including a swastika, which he has refused to cover up.
However, up to this point, Lee had defended her husband, insisting that he was a changed man. That apparently wasn’t the case the night of UFC 227, however, which saw husband and wife embroiled in an argument according to witness and fellow fighter Andy Nguyen, who lives with the couple. In a copy of the offense report obtained by Cageside Press, Aaron (Donny, as Lee is listed under her married name Andre Aaron) is accused of False Imprisonment and Domestic Abuse – Battery. While he was not taken into custody and had apparently left the couple’s home, Shreveport PD Information Officer Cpl. Angie Willhite advised Cageside Press that “a warrant is forthcoming,” and that an update could come later today.
While the original incident/offense report is scarce on details, a statement from Andy Nguyen published by MyMMANews is much clearer. In it, she says that:
“I’m in the bedroom, I’m trying to sleep, in their house. I can hear them complaining about how Mighty Mouse got robbed. Now the fights were done. I hear Donny yelling down. I sat up in the bed and I’m like ‘what the hell is going on?’ I get a text message from Donny’s mom asking if she needed to come over there. I was like ‘no.’ Then I hear more yelling, he’s cussing her out. So I opened my door and she (Andrea) runs into her daughter’s room. Donny is trying to burn a cigarette on her arm and her body. She’s yelling to stop trying to burn her. Donny’s dad is the only one helping me. His dad is like 70 or 80 years old. There’s another guy named Kendrick there who is this big strong guy, who wouldn’t get out of his room to help me. He put on his headphones and was like ‘this happens all the time.’ He just tuned it out.
“At the time I was not in shock that it was happening, I was just panicking. I ran back into my room and text his mom and said ‘ I do not want to call the cops. Can you come here?’ This was at about 1:30 a.m. (now August 5). I fell back asleep. I wake up at 4:30 a.m. I still here Donny. At 4:30 his mom and dad had left. I turn on my lights and open door so Donny knows I’m awake. Usually he does crazy stuff behind closed doors. I went to the kitchen. I hear them bickering. Then it got quiet. I thought maybe they were done. Then all of a sudden I heard a grunt and the dog was in the kennel and started barking. I can hear her saying “stop, stop.” I opened up the door and was like “Donny, leave her alone.” He looked like he was lost. He hadn’t slept in two days. He was drinking for two fucking days straight. I don’t know what he is on. I’m backing up as he is coming towards me. Andrea was buttoning up her shorts and she was barefoot and ran out the back door.
“Then Donny was yelling, “she’s been cheating on me for three fucking years.” I was like “no she hasn’t. You’ve been thinking she has. She hasn’t done anything.” Then he saw her running and he was like “oh, no you’re not” and went after her. She’s sprinting. It’s 5:30 a.m. I put on my gym clothes to chase after if I had to. Donny goes back in the house and he’s like “I did it again, I did it again.” I was like ‘what did you do? Did you kill her?’ because he has killed someone before. I didn’t know if he grabbed a rock and banged her head. I was scared to walk outside. He was like no ‘I made her run barefoot again.’ I told him to give me the keys to the jeep and he refused because he thought she would think it is him and would not stop.
From that point, Nguyen called police, and met Lee at a nearby hotel. She indicated Donny Aaron fled the scene around that time. “They had been arguing all week. She couldn’t train because he kept her home. He wouldn’t let her leave. I didn’t call the cops until it got physical and I couldn’t do nothing anymore,” Nguyen continued.
“He was trying to choke her, but she was defending herself well. She didn’t get beat up bad. The police did take pictures of marks on her neck. Wasn’t bad this time. No black eyes or anything but he has hit her before,” she added. “I just wasn’t there. He was my coach and my friend. This was the first time this was in [my] presence and I was not going to let this fly.”
The allegations, if even partially true, are disturbing, especially as the couple have a young daughter. Expect more news on the situation as it comes available.